Category: Inspiration
Ombre style has become very popular recently. This kind of colouring technique is present on almost everything that can be only coloured. To demonstrate, hair, fingernails as well as clothes are affected by this trend. If you do not know yet how to gradient the colours, read a few tips. …
Suffice to do only three things in order to make our eyebrows look the way we want them to: shape, fill-in and set with a gel. Eyebrows have a great influence over the overall look of a face. They decide on face’s shape and work as a frame of eyes. …
Dry Hair. Hair looses its natural level of moisturization due to long or frequent exposition to low temperatures. Similar destructive influence on hair have high temperature, solar radiation and air pollution. Strands become dehydrated, brittle and hard to manage. They turn into being thin and significantly weakened. The less water …
Beautiful and shiny hair is dream of many women. Many women also think that only the best hair stylists are able to set the perfect hairdo. But they cannot be more wrong. There are easier methods to make oneself look like a Hollywood star. All you need is Wellaflex Shiny …
Perfumed water, toilet water and perfumes How do perfumed water, toilet water and perfumes differ? The truth is, some of people do not pay attention to such categories of fragrances at all. Instead they focus on the price to set whether a product is worth buying or not. Fortunately, all …
Which hair mask to choose? Obviously, women choose hair repair masks the most often. They want to repair, strengthen, and save their damaged hair. Still, a mask is a great choice from time to time even if your hair is in good condition. It will let it stay lovely and …
Have you ever wondered about your hair porosity? If not, it is high time to precisely identify it. Being aware of the appearance and condition of your hair will help you choose suitable products. Nanoil is the best as it matches all hair types. Check how the cosmetic works and …
Ricinus communis is Latin for castor bean, a plant from which castor oil is extracted. Known and used for ages, today it is experiencing its renaissance. It is used to improve the condition of skin, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and nails. It has healing and caring properties, which make it so …